## Preferences for kiosk mode ## Настройки для режима "киоск" ClickToRaise=0 ClickToFocus=0 FocusOnAppRaise=1 RequestFocusOnAppRaise=1 RaiseOnFocus=1 FocusOnClickClient=1 RaiseOnClickClient=1 RaiseOnClickTitleBar=1 RaiseOnClickButton=1 RaiseOnClickFrame=1 LowerOnClickWhenRaised=0 PassFirstClickToClient=1 FocusChangesWorkspace=0 FocusOnMap=1 FocusOnMapTransient=1 FocusOnMapTransientActive=1 MapInactiveOnTop=1 PointerColormap=1 DontRotateMenuPointer=1 LimitSize=1 LimitPosition=1 LimitByDockLayer=0 ConsiderHBorder=0 ConsiderVBorder=0 ConsiderSizeHintsMaximized=1 CenterMaximizedWindows=0 HideBordersMaximized=0 SizeMaximized=0 ShowMoveSizeStatus=1 ShowWorkspaceStatus=0 MinimizeToDesktop=0 MiniIconsPlaceHorizontal=0 # 0/1 MiniIconsRightToLeft=0 MiniIconsBottomToTop=0 # 0/1 StrongPointerFocus=1 OpaqueMove=1 OpaqueResize=1 ManualPlacement=0 SmartPlacement=1 HideTitleBarWhenMaximized=0 # 0/1 CenterLarge=0 # 0/1 CenterTransientsOnOwner=1 MenuMouseTracking=1 AutoRaise=0 DelayPointerFocus=0 Win95Keys=0 ModSuperIsCtrlAlt=0 UseMouseWheel=1 ShowPopupsAbovePointer=0 ReplayMenuCancelClick=0 QuickSwitch=0 QuickSwitchToMinimized=0 QuickSwitchToHidden=0 QuickSwitchToUrgent=0 QuickSwitchToAllWorkspaces=0 QuickSwitchGroupWorkspaces=0 QuickSwitchAllIcons=0 QuickSwitchTextFirst=0 QuickSwitchSmallWindow=0 QuickSwitchMaxWidth=0 QuickSwitchVertical=1 QuickSwitchHugeIcon=0 QuickSwitchFillSelection=0 GrabRootWindow=1 SnapMove=0 EdgeSwitch=0 HorizontalEdgeSwitch=0 VerticalEdgeSwitch=0 ContinuousEdgeSwitch=0 AutoReloadMenus=1 ArrangeWindowsOnScreenSizeChange=1 ShowTaskBar=0 TaskBarAtTop=0 TaskBarKeepBelow=0 TaskBarAutoHide=1 TaskBarFullscreenAutoShow=0 TaskBarShowClock=0 TaskBarShowAPMStatus=0 TaskBarShowAPMAuto=0 TaskBarShowAPMTime=0 TaskBarShowAPMGraph=0 TaskBarShowMailboxStatus=0 TaskBarMailboxStatusBeepOnNewMail=0 TaskBarMailboxStatusCountMessages=0 TaskBarShowWorkspaces=0 TaskBarShowWindows=0 TaskBarShowShowDesktopButton=0 ShowEllipsis=0 TaskBarShowTray=0 TrayShowAllWindows=0 TaskBarShowTransientWindows=0 TaskBarShowAllWindows=0 TaskBarShowWindowIcons=0 TaskBarShowStartMenu=0 TaskBarShowWindowListMenu=0 TaskBarShowCPUStatus=0 CPUStatusShowRamUsage=0 CPUStatusShowSwapUsage=0 CPUStatusShowAcpiTemp=0 CPUStatusShowCpuFreq=0 TaskBarShowMEMStatus=0 TaskBarShowNetStatus=0 TaskBarShowCollapseButton=0 TaskBarDoubleHeight=0 # Place workspace pager on left, not right # TaskBarWorkspacesLeft=1 # 0/1 # Show a mini desktop preview on each workspace button # PagerShowPreview=0 # 0/1 # Draw window icons inside large enough preview windows on pager (if PagerShowPreview=1) # PagerShowWindowIcons=1 # 0/1 # Draw even minimized windows as unfilled rectangles (if PagerShowPreview=1) # PagerShowMinimized=1 # 0/1 # Draw border around workspace buttons (if PagerShowPreview=1) # PagerShowBorders=1 # 0/1 # Show number of workspace on workspace button (if PagerShowPreview=1) # PagerShowNumbers=1 # 0/1 # Execute taskbar applet commands (like MailCommand, ClockCommand, ...) on single click # TaskBarLaunchOnSingleClick=1 # 0/1 # Allow mouse actions on client windows (buggy with some programs) # ClientWindowMouseActions=1 # 0/1 ShowProgramsMenu=0 ShowSettingsMenu=0 ShowFocusModeMenu=0 ShowThemesMenu=0 ShowLogoutMenu=0 ShowHelp=0 # 0/1 ShowLogoutSubMenu=0 ShowAbout=0 ShowRun=0 ShowWindowList=0 AllowFullscreen=1 FullscreenUseAllMonitors=0 EnableAddressBar=0 ShowAddressBar=0 MultiByte=1 ConfirmLogout=1 # 0/1 # Don't cut client windows by shapes set trough frame corner pixmap # ShapesProtectClientWindow=1 # 0/1 # Use double buffering when redrawing the display # DoubleBuffer=1 # 0/1 # Disable use of new XRANDR API for dual head (nvidia workaround) # XRRDisable=0 # 0/1 # Delay fuzziness, to allow merging of multiple timer timeouts into one (notebook power saving) # DelayFuzziness=10 # [0-100] # Activate workaround for Java7 Swing/AWT focus issue # ActivateJava7FocusHack=0 # 0/1 # Pointer motion distance before click gets interpreted as drag # ClickMotionDistance=4 # [0-32] # Delay before click gets interpreted as drag # ClickMotionDelay=200 # [0-2000] # Multiple click time # MultiClickTime=400 # [0-5000] # Delay before activating menu items # MenuActivateDelay=40 # [0-5000] # Delay before activating menu submenus # SubmenuMenuActivateDelay=300 # [0-5000] # Maximal width of popup menus, 2/3 of the screen's width if set to zero # MenuMaximalWidth=0 # [0-16384] # Delay before tooltip window is displayed # ToolTipDelay=1000 # [0-5000] # Time before tooltip window is hidden (0 means never # ToolTipTime=0 # [0-60000] # Delay before task bar is hidden # AutoHideDelay=300 # [0-5000] # Delay before task bar is shown # AutoShowDelay=500 # [0-5000] # Delay before windows are auto raised # AutoRaiseDelay=400 # [0-5000] # Resistance in pixels when trying to move windows off the screen (10000 = infinite) # EdgeResistance=32 # [0-10000] # Delay for pointer focus switching # PointerFocusDelay=200 # [0-1000] # Distance in pixels before windows snap together # SnapDistance=8 # [0-64] # Screen edge workspace switching delay # EdgeSwitchDelay=600 # [0-5000] # Inital scroll bar autoscroll delay # ScrollBarStartDelay=500 # [0-5000] # Scroll bar autoscroll delay # ScrollBarDelay=30 # [0-5000] # Auto scroll start delay # AutoScrollStartDelay=500 # [0-5000] # Auto scroll delay # AutoScrollDelay=60 # [0-5000] # Time before workspace status window is hidden # WorkspaceStatusTime=2500 # [0-2500] # Bitmask of root window button click to use in window manager # UseRootButtons=255 # [0-255] # Bitmask of buttons that raise the window when pressed # ButtonRaiseMask=1 # [0-255] # Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list menu # DesktopWinMenuButton=0 # [0-20] # Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list # DesktopWinListButton=2 # [0-20] # Desktop mouse-button click to show the root menu # DesktopMenuButton=3 # [0-20] # TitleBar mouse-button double click to maximize the window # TitleBarMaximizeButton=1 # [0-5] # TitleBar mouse-button double click to rollup the window # TitleBarRollupButton=2 # [0-5] # Preselect to Cancel (0) or the OK (1) button in message boxes # MsgBoxDefaultAction=0 # [0-1] # Delay between new-mail checks. (seconds) # MailCheckDelay=30 # [0-86400] # Delay between CPU Monitor samples in ms # TaskBarCPUDelay=500 # [10-3600000] # Width of CPU Monitor # TaskBarCPUSamples=20 # [2-1000] # Width of Memory Monitor # TaskBarMEMSamples=20 # [2-1000] # Delay between Memory Monitor samples in ms # TaskBarMEMDelay=500 # [10-3600000] # Width of Net Monitor # TaskBarNetSamples=20 # [2-1000] # Delay between Net Monitor samples in ms # TaskBarNetDelay=500 # [10-3600000] # default number of tasks in taskbar # TaskbarButtonWidthDivisor=3 # [1-25] # Width of APM Monitor # TaskBarApmGraphWidth=10 # [1-1000] # Primary screen for xinerama (taskbar, ...) # XineramaPrimaryScreen=0 # [0-63] # Number of seconds the taskbar app will blink when requesting focus (0 = forever) # FocusRequestFlashTime=0 # [0-86400] # Taskbar blink interval (ms) when requesting focus (0 = blinking disabled) # FocusRequestFlashInterval=250 # [0-30000] # Minimal number of themes after which the Themes menu becomes nested (0=disabled) # NestedThemeMenuMinNumber=15 # [0-1234] # Delay between power status updates (seconds) # BatteryPollingPeriod=10 # [2-3600] NetWorkAreaBehaviour=0 # Icon search path (colon separated) # IconPath="/usr/share/icons:/usr/share/pixmaps" MailBoxPath="" MailCommand="" MailClassHint="" NewMailCommand="" LockCommand=""" ClockCommand ="" ClockClassHint="" RunCommand="" OpenCommand="" TerminalCommand="" LogoutCommand="" LogoutCancelCommand="" # ShutdownCommand="/bin/sh -c "{ test -e /run/systemd/system && systemctl poweroff; } || sudo -n /sbin/halt"" # RebootCommand="/bin/sh -c "{ test -e /run/systemd/system && systemctl reboot; } || sudo -n /sbin/reboot"" CPUStatusCommand="" CPUStatusClassHint="" NetStatusCommand="" NetStatusClassHint="" AddressBarCommand="" NetworkStatusDevice="" TimeFormat="" TimeFormatAlt="" DateFormat="" XRRPrimaryScreenName="" AcpiIgnoreBatteries="" MouseWinMove="" MouseWinSize="" MouseWinRaise="" KeyWinRaise="" KeyWinOccupyAll="" KeyWinLower="" KeyWinClose="" KeyWinRestore="" KeyWinPrev="" KeyWinNext="" KeyWinMove="" KeyWinSize="" KeyWinMinimize="" KeyWinMaximize="" KeyWinMaximizeVert="" KeyWinMaximizeHoriz="" KeyWinFullscreen="" KeyWinHide="" KeyWinRollup="" KeyWinMenu="" KeyWinArrangeN="" KeyWinArrangeNE="" KeyWinArrangeE="" KeyWinArrangeSE="" KeyWinArrangeS="" KeyWinArrangeSW="" KeyWinArrangeW="" KeyWinArrangeNW="" KeyWinArrangeC="" KeySysSwitchNext="" KeySysSwitchLast="" KeySysWinNext="" KeySysWinPrev="" KeySysWinMenu="" KeySysDialog="" KeySysMenu="" KeySysWindowList="" KeySysWinListMenu="" KeySysAddressBar="" KeySysWorkspacePrev="" KeySysWorkspaceNext="" KeySysWorkspaceLast="" KeySysWorkspacePrevTakeWin="" KeySysWorkspaceNextTakeWin="" KeySysWorkspaceLastTakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace1="" KeySysWorkspace2="" KeySysWorkspace3="" KeySysWorkspace4="" KeySysWorkspace5="" KeySysWorkspace6="" KeySysWorkspace7="" KeySysWorkspace8="" KeySysWorkspace9="" KeySysWorkspace10="" KeySysWorkspace11="" KeySysWorkspace12="" KeySysWorkspace1TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace2TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace3TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace4TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace5TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace6TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace7TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace8TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace9TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace10TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace11TakeWin="" KeySysWorkspace12TakeWin="" KeySysTileVertical="" KeySysTileHorizontal="" KeySysCascade="" KeySysArrange="" KeySysArrangeIcons="" KeySysMinimizeAll="" KeySysHideAll="" KeySysUndoArrange="" KeySysShowDesktop="" KeySysCollapseTaskBar="" WorkspaceNames=" " DesktopBackgroundCenter=0 SupportSemitransparency=1 DesktopBackgroundScaled=0 DesktopBackgroundColor="" DesktopBackgroundImage="" DesktopTransparencyColor="" DesktopTransparencyImage="" TitleFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10:bold" MenuFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10" StatusFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=12" QuickSwitchFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=12" NormalButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=12" NormalTaskBarFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=12" ActiveTaskBarFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=12" ListBoxFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=14" ToolTipFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=10" ClockFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=11" ActiveButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=11:bold" ToolButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=11" NormalWorkspaceFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=11" ActiveWorkspaceFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=11" MinimizedWindowFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=11" ApmFontNameXft="monospace:size=11" InputFontNameXft="monospace:size=11" LabelFontNameXft="sans-serif:size=11"