For testers

CF card and adapter compatibility

Official QVL list: Carnivore2 CF card and adapter compatibility

We are creating the CF card and adapter compatibility reference document for Carnivore2 users. There we will try to provide information on compatibility of the most used CF cards and SD-CF adapters with the Carnivore's firmware version 2.40 and both Nextor IDE driver versions. The following combinations need to be tested:

We would appreciate it if you could take a look at the provided QVL list (link above) and create a similar document with the results of your own testing with Carnivore2 and CF cards and SD-CF adapters. The empty DOC template is provided for your convenience as well as the example report. Please provide the photos of your tested cards and adapters so that we could easily identify them. The “ID” is the identification text string that Nextor BIOS shows before booting from a CF card or adapter. See the example below.


IDE driver v0.1.5 and v0.1.7

Template for CF card and adapter compatibility test reporting

Example for CF card and adapter compatibility test reporting

The e-mail address to send the filled document (remove spaces): wierzbowsky @ rbsc . su