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Это старая версия документа!

TED: Text editor for MSX (MYSTERY-soft)

© MYSTERY-soft, K&K Co.1991,1992.

Русская версия документации находится здесь.

The TED editor is a text window editor with a simplified interface, which has the capabilities sufficient to create various texts.


Editor's call:

TED filename.ext

if there is no file name, a message appears:

 Tiny Editor v1.61 (C) MYSTERY-soft
Use:TED filename

When you enter the editor, you will see:

│                     YOUR TEXT IS                        │
~                         HERE                            ~
~                                                         ~
~                                                         ~
│                                                         │
│  ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│  [D:filename.ext]  00000: 00000:00000 [00] 00:00 *      │
                      │       │       │   │  │  │  │
The number of lines───┤       │       │   │  │  │  └─ Text change flag
     in the text ─────┘       │       │   │  │  │
                              │       │   │  │  │
                              │       │   │  │  │
   The amount of free ────────┤       │   │  │  │
     space in bytes   ────────┘       │   │  │  └─ Y–coordinate in the window
                                      │   │  │
  Line number relative to the beginning   │  └── Х–coordinate in the window
             of the text                  │
          Current character code ─────────┘


  • Numbering of lines and characters starts from zero.
  • Tab (code 9) is not displayed in the character code field, but is considered a space (code 20h), although the tab is written to the text.

Text navigation

, , , moving along lines and characters respectively
CTRL+, CTRL+paging
CTRL+, CTRL+move by words
CTRL+Vmove to beginning of text
SHIFT+CTRL+Vmove to end of text


Editing is carried out using the keys:

DELdelete current character
BSdelete character to the left of the cursor
INSinsert mode (on/off)
delete line
CTRL+INSline insert
CTRL+Edelete the line to the right of the cursor
CTRL+Enterline feed with cut

If you take a position in the line after the last character and press DEL, then the lines will be glued together.


To search, press CTRL+S, and the following will appear:

│                     YOUR TEXT IS                        │
~                         HERE                            ~
~                                                         ~
~                                                         ~
│                                                         │
│  Search:▊────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│  [D:filename.ext]  00000: 00000:00000 [00] 00:00 *      │

After that, a search pattern is typed (character or string) and Enter is pressed. Search is performed from top to bottom from the beginning of the text. The sample found is located at the top of the screen.

Continuation of the search: CTRL+Q.

Exit and write file

When you press the ESC key, you will see:

│                     YOUR TEXT IS                        │
~                         HERE                            ~
~                                                         ~
~                                                         ~
│                                                         │
│  ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│  [D:filename.ext]  Select: [S]ave [Q]uit [ESC]-continue │

To write a file, press S, and the cursor will go to the file name editing field. After pressing Enter, the file is recorded.

Editing does not work in the file name field (i.e., INS, DEL, BS)
Corrections are made by space and arrows and .

Exit the editor by pressing the Q key.

Exit the editor with saving file by pressing the F10 key.

When exiting, there is no request to save and confirm the exit.

Messages and errors

When the buffer overflows in file loading mode, the following message is displayed:

Buffer full

and any key is expected to be pressed, after which it switches to edit mode with the part of the text that fits in the buffer.

When the buffer is full, the insertion of characters and lines does not occur!

In case of disk exchange errors, the editor displays a message:

Disk I/O error: ([A]bort,[R]etry,[I]gnore)

response to it, as in MSX-DOS. (only for Abort — return to edit mode).

Note for the system programmer:
The editor disconnects the network (if there is one) and sets (38h):=0C9h; upon exit, these states are saved.

MYSTERY-soft wishes you a pleasant work !!!

We express our gratitude to all the authors of this text editor and to those who helped solve the problems of launching the editor on machines with several mappers:

  • MYSTERY-soft
  • K&K Co.
  • Kamil Karimov (Caro)
  • [RBSC] Wierzbowsky
  • [RBSC] GreyWolf


msx/ted_mysterysoft/ted_mysterysoft-en.1588756937.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2020-05-06 12:22 — GreyWolf