Novatec Home > Members
  • Original acting members of Novatec group
The oldest of Founders with 15 year of MSX experience. Creator of some hardware and of lots of software. SOLiD acts like group's co-ordinator.
New generation MSX lovers: those whose activity began in mid-90s, when Daewoo's strange MSXes were suddenly imported in Russia and caused a lot of stir.
Diamond Logic
Also an old MSXer, and a great hardware engineer too. He can develop almost any hardware with the help of modern EPLD chips. He can even make a new Z80 :-)
  • The people who made a lot for MSX computers
Belov Vladimir Borisovich
The Father of Russian MSX, a great hardware developer and MSX enthusiast.
  • These people are not active Novatec Members, but they provided some valuable information or resources for our group.
None at this point.

© SOLiD, 1999