Development Tools
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NOTE: The software is packed by various archievers.
For .AR files use PR archieve utility (MSX only)
For .ARC use ARCDE program (MSX only)
For .ARJ use ARJ on PC or XARJ on MSX
COM programs are for MSX-DOS, not for PC!
Assembler package
SOLiD's package for assembly programming. Nice and full-featured replacement for outdated Microsoft's M80, L80 and LIB80 package. 8080 is no longer supported - but you get Z180 and R800 commands instead plus full set of "undocumented" Z80 commands. Includes latest versions of AS assembler, LD linker and OL object librarian.
Multi/Z Resource Compiler
Helps you to build menus and dialogh boxes for MultiZ graphic system.
Highly optimizing C compiler. This is what is called a "demo" package, not including full-featured library. Requires AS and LD to compile; bundled with a small library, which is good for game or utility writing.
SOLiD C libraries
Full featured C libraries; complete with header file and full source code. Work in MSX-DOS1, DOS2 and MISIX.
ZD dizassembler
Intelligent commenting Z80 dizassembler. Outputs M80- (or AS-) style code; supports and autodetects various types of source file formats. Source code avalable.
Supersoft's ADA package - does not completely follow standards but is FUN. When i was studying programming in university i even made some extensions for this package.
Another lightweight C compiler package for MSX/CP-M. No optimisation.
MS Basic Compiler
Another CP/M beast - MS Basic compiler. Very simple. Very slow code. No graphics and no other nice MSX extensions.
Yet another C compiler. Weird one.
Development Pack
The distribution of ED80/GEN80/MON80. I never used this one, but i know that many of european MSX fans still use these oldies.
A very old development package. Even works with cassette :-)
HiSoft Pascal
Pascal compiler. Code quality is similar to what Turbo Pascal outputs.
Micro Prolog
Prolog language subset interpreter. Complete with a fine IDE. Sources are also available.
MS Fortarn
Fortran compiler. Outputs REL binaries.
Nevada Fortran
Another Z80 fortran compiler. Better than MS version.
A compiler for exotic REFAL language. I never used it.

Novatec Archive is a service provided free by Novatec group. All software provided AS-IS, no responsibility taken for any damage. For support, contact Egor Voznessenski.
© SOLiD, 1999