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PC-TOOLS like program. May not work properly with harddisks and/or under DOS2.
Hacker's DUMP
Hacker's DUMP by A. Rodionov - dumps EVERYTHING.
GRED - pattern graphic editor
The best pattern and animation editor for SCREEN2 and SCREEN4. Obvious disadvantage for non-russians are menus in Russian.
GREP port
Ever worked on a BIG project on MSX? This wellknown UNIX(tm) utility helps us to find strings in a number of files. It's a good port, must work virtually on every system.
INLINE utility
This is a tool for you, Pascal lovers. Converts binaries to inlines, importable directly into Turbo Pascal.
MSX TOOL, another PC-TOOLS clone for MSX. Possible portability programs on some setups.
Another NC
Yet another Norton Commander for MSXDOS-1.
PR 2.00 distribution
Distribution of PR archive tool for MSX - as a self-extracting archive. Works in DOS1 DOS2 and MISIX. Fast.
ARJ Extractor
ARJ archive lister/extractor for DOS1 (subdirectories ignored). Executable COM file.

Novatec Archive is a service provided free by Novatec group. All software provided AS-IS, no responsibility taken for any damage. For support, contact Egor Voznessenski.
© SOLiD, 1999