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Идентификатор штрихового кода AIM

Идентификатор кода AIM представляет собой трехсимвольный идентификатор ISO/IEC (изначально созданный AIM), генерируемый декодером сканера и предоставляющий информацию о типе отсканированного штрихкода.





  • ] = символ флага (код ASCII 93)
  • c = символ кода (определяется AIM)
  • m = символ–модификатор

Идентификатор кода AIM не является частью штрих-кода. Он генерируется декодером сканера для представления отсканированных символов штрихкода.

Фактические используемые символы определяются производителем этого модуля сканирования и могут отличаться в зависимости от этого производителя.

Пример: A Full ASCII bar code with check character W, A+I+MI+DW, is transmitted as ]A7AIMID where 7 = (3+4).

List of AIM barcode symbology identifiers

AIM IdentifierSymbologyDescription
]A0Code39No check character nor Full ASCII processing
]A1Code39Reader has performed mod 43 check and transmitted
]A1Code39Reader has performed mod 43 check and transmitted
]A2Code39Reader has performed mod 43 check and stripped the check character
]A4Code39Reader has performed Full ASCII conversion. No check character validation
]A5Code39Reader has performed Full ASCII character conversion, verfied check character and transmitted it.
]A7Code39Reader has performed Full ASCII character conversion, verified check character and stripped it.
]B0TelepenFull ASCII mode
]B1TelepenDouble density numeric mode
]B2TelepenDouble density numeric followed by full ASCII
]B4TelepenFull ASCII followed by double density numeric
]C0Code128Standard. No FNC1 in first or second symbol character position after start character.
]C1Code128Function code 1 in first character position or GS1 Databar Expanded
]C2Code128Function code 2 in second character position. Concatenation according to ISBT
]C4Code128Concatenation according to ISBT (International Society for Blood Transfusion) specification has been performed, and concatenated data follows. AKA ISBT-128
]E0UPC/EANStandard packet in full EAN country code format, which is 13 digits for UPC-A and UPC-E (not including supplemental data) or Bookland EAN.
]E1UPC/EANTwo-digit supplement data only.
]E2UPC/EANFive-digit supplement data only.
]E3EAN-13with 2/5-Digit Add-On Code or UPC-E with 2/5-Digit Add-On / Extended Coupon Code / EAN-8 with Add-On
]F0CodabarNo check digit processing.
]F1CodabarReader has checked check digit and check digit is transmitted. ABC (American Blood Commission) Codabar concatenate/message append performed.
]F2CodabarReader has validated check digit and sends it.
]F3CodabarReader has validated and stripped check digit before transmission.
]G0Code93Possible modifiers might be 0-9, A-Z, a-m… <tag name=«todo»>@todo</tag>
]H0Code11Single check digit validated and transmitted
]H1Code11Two check digits validated and transmitted
]H3Code11Check characters validated but not transmitted
]I0I2of5No check digit processing.
]I1I2of5Reader has validated check digit.
]I3I2of5Reader has validated and stripped check digit.
]L0PDF417Reader set to conform with protocol defined in 1994 PDF417 symbology specifications.
When this option is transmitted, the receiver cannot determine reliably whether ECIs have bebb invoked, nor whether data byte 92 has been doubled in transmission.
]L1PDF417Reader set follow the protocol of this standard for ENV 12925 for Extended Channel Interpretation.
All data characters 92 are doubled.
]L2PDF417Reader set follow the protocol of this standard for Basic Chanel operation. Data characters 92 are not doubled.
When decoders are set to this mode, unbuffered Structured Append symbols and symbols requiring the decoded by convey ECI sequences cannot be transmitted or TCIF Linked Code39 (TLC39)
]L3PDF417Code 128 emulation : implied FNC1 in first position (only applicable for Micro PDF417)
]L4PDF417Code 128 emulation : implied FNC1 after initial letter or pair odf digits (only applicable for Micro PDF417)
]L5PDF417Code 128 emulation: no implied FNC1 (only applicable for Micro PDF417)
]M0MSI PlesseyCheck digits are sent.
]M0MSI PlesseySingle check digit verified and transmitted
]M1MSI PlesseyCheck digit is verified but not transmitted.
]M1MSI PlesseyTwo check digits checked.
]M2MSI PlesseySingle check digit verified and stripped before transmission.
]M3MSI PlesseyTwo check digits verified and stripped before transmission.
]O1Codablock 256FNC1 in first data character position. Subsequent occurrences converted to ASCII 29 (GS)
]O4Codablock FFNC1 not used
]O5Codablock FFNC1 in first data character position. Subsequent occurrences converted to ASCII 29 (GS)
]O6Codablock A
]OmCodablock 256FNC1 not used
]P0Standard PlesseyNo options are specified. Always uses modifier 0.
]Q0QR CodeModel 1 symbol.
]Q1QR CodeModel 2 (QR Code 2005), ECI protocol not implemented.
]Q2QR CodeModel 2 (QR Code 2005), ECI protocol implemented.
]Q3QR CodeModel 2 (QR Code 2005), ECI protocol not implemented, FNC1 implied in first position.
]Q4QR CodeModel 2 (QR Code 2005), ECI protocol implemented, FNC1 implied in first position.
]Q5QR CodeModel 2 (QR Code 2005), ECI protocol not implemented, FNC1 implied in second position.
]Q6QR CodeModel 2 (QR Code 2005), ECI protocol implemented, FNC1 implied in second position.
]R0Standard 2 of 5No check digit verification.
]R1Standard 2 of 5Check digit verified but not transmitted.
]R2Standard 2 of 5check digit verified and transmitted.
]S0D2of5(aka Discrete 2 of 5), Straight 2 of 5 Industrial or IATA 2of5. No options specified, always uses modifier 0
]TmCode 49Determine modifiers 0,1,2,4
]U0MaxicodeSymbol in Mode 4 or 5.
]U1MaxicodeSymbol in Mode 2 or 3.
]U2MaxicodeSymbol in Mode 4 or 5, ECI protocol implemented.
]U3MaxicodeSymbol in Mode 2 or 3, ECI protocol implemented in secondary message.
]X0Trioptic Code 39 or Bookland EAN or Code32 Pharmaceutical (PARAF) or China Post (Hong Kong 2 of 5), or Matrix 2 of 5 or NEC 2 of 5 or Chinese Sensible Code (Han Xin) or any Postal symbologies.
]ZThis means: No barcode data
]d0Data MatrixECC 000-140.
]d1Data MatrixECC 200.
]d2Data MatrixECC 200, FNC1 in first or fifth position.
]d3Data MatrixECC 200, FNC1 in second or sixth position.
]d4Data MatrixECC 200, ECI protocol implemented.
]d5Data MatrixECC 200, FNC1 in first or fifth position, ECI protocol implemented.
]d6Data MatrixECC 200, FNC1 in second or sixth position, ECI protocol implemented.
]e0GS1GS1 DataBar / GS1 DataBar Limited / GS1 Databar Expanded
]e1GS1Contains data following an encoded symbol separator character.
]e2GS1Contains data following an escape mechanism character. The data packet does not support the ECI protocol.
]e3GS1Contains data following an escape mechanism character. The data packet supports the ECI protocol.
]z0AztecNo options
]z1AztecFNC1 preceeding 1st message character
]z2AztecFNC1 following an initial letter or pair of digits
]z3AztecECI protocol implemented
]z4AztecFNC1 preceeding 1st message character, ECI protocol implemented
]z5AztecFNC1 following an initial letter or pair of digits, ECI protocol implemented
]z6AztecStructured append header included
]z7AztecStructured append header included, FNC1 preceeding 1st message character
]z9AztecStructured append header included, ECI protocol implemented
]zAAztecStructured append header included, FNC1 preceeding 1st message character, ECI protocol implemented
]z8AztecStructured append header included, FNC1 following an initial letter or pair of digits
]zBAztecStructured append header included, FNC1 following an initial letter or pair of digits, ECI protocol implemented
]zCAztec«Rune» decoded

List of barcode symbology AIM Identifiers


barcode_aim/barcode_aim.txt · Последние изменения: 2024-05-18 19:08 — GreyWolf